
Inadvertent snow storm


Frothy little number, 
secondhand store goodness.

The label read "100% silk"
but clearly
they meant   exclusive of decoration.

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  1. Replies
    1. The only ingredients: some red cabbage, an iron spike, kosher sea salt, an aluminum cooking pot, and time. Dunno why in heavens name a kind of Aurora Borealis showed up to the party, but there you have it.
      Oh yeah, and some flakes ;>]

  2. Lovely and an unexpected result. Sometimes those are the most fun!

    1. Altho not exactly what I was aiming for,
      it was FUN, Penny, thanks ;>]

  3. It must have been amazing to watch this happen! Giving me idea for curtains...

    1. eeeeek, curtains, Suzanna??? Blinders more like!!
      And agreed - nothing like a little plant chemistry to catch my interest these days.

  4. Very curious to see if this *lightshow* will change hue over time,
    tis a little blasted out for my taste at present.
    Thanx for your visit, Gill !
