
Inspire :: Tsutomu Komine


'A moonlit night underneath my eyelids'

from 'Sankai'
~ Tsutomu Komine ~
Born in Tokyo, Japan, 1973.
In 1997,  he graduated from Tama Art University, Dept. of Oil Painting,
but often works in photography, sculpture, stitch, fiber & encaustic as well.
His mixed media collages (shown here) often contain
sea sand, acrylic paper, tako thread, and hemp string, amongst other things.
Currently, Komine continues producing works
while operating his cake & tea shop in Hitachi City.

There are loads of his images on Pinterest,
but no website and very little information found elsewhere
(with the exception of his gallery show announcements and what appears to be
a quite active Twitter account)
and   most everything about him/from him is written in Japanese ...
which unfortunately, I have no knowledge of.
So in our enjoyment of this work, many of us will have to be content
with his visual poetry instead.
Which suits me just fine.

September, 2017

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  1. Replies
    1. Is my pleasure, Velma......
      I wonder where this young man's work will go in the next few years - I'm looking forward to finding out ;>)

  2. These put me in mind of Jude's Considering Weave experience ... I love the controlled wildness and varied threads ... thank you for sharing!

      I never had the pleasure of Jude's Weave experience but it strikes me as not the least bit unusual that the work from that awesome woman would hold - and pull - threads from some sort of collective unconscious......

      Your description is perfection: "controlled wildness." I hadn't named it, but I think that is a huge part of what I've responded to as well.

      So happy to have you here.

  3. Controlled wildness--yes--simplicity--yes. I have loved the simplified Japanese aesthetic since I was a child--and still do. Thank you for the inspiration. Maybe it is better that anything written is in Japanese. We can read into his art--anything we want.

    1. No doubt when we don't have the *interference* of written language we must use our other faculties to a greater extent - something to be said for that, most definitely.

  4. So beautiful. I’m going to Japan this summer. Maybe I could see something of his work

    1. He would certainly be at the top of my list. Do come back for an update, plz, should you be so fortunate to come across him...........
