
Something about dresses


Quite unexpectedly
three dress forms have come into my possession.
This might not have surprised me as much as it did if I hadn't been wondering 
just last week
how I might find one
if it turned out I needed one
in the not too distant future ...
not necessarily this year
but perhaps next.

And there they were.  Lined up in the back sorting area of the thrift shop
where I volunteer.  Were these spoken for, I asked?
You mean someone might actually WANT these? was the reply,
We weren't sure what we were going to do with them - the shop is full.

Is it silly to say my heart started racing?

The wooden bases are a bit dinged up,
the paint is scratched and one is a tad wobbly
but they go up & down easily enough and the linen canvas is immaculate.
So I bought them on the spot.  Even better, having more than one leads to sharing.

Guess I'll confess ...
I have this thing for dresses 
which is so odd really, because I don't even wear them.
I described this fascination to my friend as best I could:
it's like being the tomboy who secretly loves lace curtains & silk pajamas.
Those who visit here often already know about my love of [scruffy] lace ... but 
you may not know I also love flounces,
swathes of ruffles,
over-the-top haute couture,
courtly wear from the Medieval Ages [especially velvet]
and also ... the most simple, contemporary A-lines.

Should you wish to see examples of my obsession
[uhmm, around 2,968 of them at last count - crikey, how'd that happen?]
is a Tumblr blog I started about three years ago.
It's been a handy way to explore one  unexplainable obsession  subject, over time.

[note: clicking on "Archive" will bring up the entire collection in scrapbook format
by month & year]

Hopefully I won't fall short of inspiration when my "someday" arrives.
And now there'll be a shoulder to pin to,
a waist to acknowledge
and visions of a skirt won't just be dancing in my head.

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  1. Oooh Christi that's brilliant! Exactly the sort of thing x 3 that I could imagine bring very handy indeed in the Fall of 2015 (if not before)....

    1. I swear, india, the Dogs must be keeping close watch ;>]

  2. I love it! As someone who has been considering buying a dress form for over a year now in order to experiment a bit, can I admit that my heart was racing a bit too? Don't quite know what I'd do with one, but ideas keep flitting thru my mind that seem easier to bring into reality with a dress form in the studio. Please don't wait too long to begin using your lovely trio of muses.

    1. It's a bit like having new friends in the room! and I'm hoping for some good cloth conversations.

  3. zomg! So. Freakin. Jealous!
    I've been thinking of putting a wanted ad on freecycle. maybe this is the Universe telling me, "Do It!"
    you can see MY affinity to dresses (and other things) here: http://www.pinterest.com/meadowood/style/
    ... totally part of my plan. :D

    1. ... these continuing snippets about *the plan* are like having a long feast on appetizers
      while I patiently wait for the Main Course. You are brewing, Jen ... can sense the steam rising from here!

  4. Great score, Christi! The Dogs Above provide!
    I laugh in recognition at your tomboy who loves lace description, which could be said of me as well, although I do wear skirts much of the time.
    xxooo, sus and f

    1. Dogs are so good at looking out for us ;>]
      They sure don't give a toss whether we're tomboys or not,
      wear a skirt or overalls. Best to you and f !

  5. What a bonus, maybe your reward for volunteering in a charity shop. You have an awesome collection of photos on your other blog, what a wonderful resource.

    1. Never planned much of anything for that blog, sharon ... just a spot to collect pictures & entertain the quirk of my interest... but it's funny how the subconscious works sometimes - feels now like there was a purpose all along.

  6. I'm in love with your tumbler site and have been eyeing a book called The Party Dress Book: How to Sew the Best Dress in the Room. I want to make dresses too! http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0823033309/ref=ox_sc_sfl_title_3?ie=UTF8&psc=1

    1. ooooh lah lah, lots of FUN photos in that book, Christine, lots n'lots of FLOUNCES!

  7. What wonderful serendipity!! I am not a 'girly' girl at all -- but I do love the clothes from the 20's. I watch "Boardwalk Empire" just to see the clothes they wear! You are going to have so much fun with your three new friends!

    1. Had to google "B.E." [new to me] ... some of those period dramas are absolutely excellent. If I had to choose - and it would be tough - I'd say my favorite era for women's clothes is 1910-20. The beadwork then was exquisite, not to mention the layering of diaphanous fabrics that made women move like clouds.

      Cheers to non-girly clothes-loving admirers, Penny ;>D

  8. Excellent! I think I, too, will wonder how I might find one if I might need one in the not too distant future! They do say be careful what you wish for! :)

    1. ... dreams do come true, Janice.
      And if there's wishes involved, who knows what might happen.

  9. Very inspiring, Christi! I have some lovely silky merino and now you have spurred me on to make the dress form in order to make the dress!

    1. You do?!?!?
      crikey, dye something NOW, get going, make something *dressy* and please come back
      and tell me all about what's going on! The silky merino India so graciously cut for our looper scarves
      has turned into one of my most treasured headbands and .... I CAN'T WEAR WOOL. or couldn't ... before silky merino appeared on the scene. Dunno how they manufacture that stuff, but my life with "wool" may be changed

      forever. amen.

  10. !!! Gonna make the dress first, then dye...first the dress form...tomorrow is the day...at least that's the plan...

  11. They couldn't have found a better home!

  12. Great dress forms. I lovelovelove your Tumbler...I adore dresses and skirts and wear them all the time. On the other hand I also love the look of jeans and never wear them :)

    1. you made me chuckle, Mo'a
      as we are *opposite dressers* I guess, aren't we?
      I wore a skirt to a special evening recently & loved the way I felt
      so things may change around here. Change can be good ;>]
