
Story ingredients


It's been said that telling a good story is like baking a cake.
This doesn't bode well for me...I am (utterly hopeless) a lousy baker.
There is one point that I think I understand though...
and that is,
every ingredient counts.

So, in no particular order...

one basket of tea dyed scraps,

a generous bunch of thread lovelies,

one nest of repurposed sari ribbons,

to be followed by plenty of  **time outs**  for the likes of this one...
(this is Quinn's pathetic look for, "I'm bored...won't you puhleeez throw my stick???")

oh, and mustn't forget to keep taking more trips down  THIS  exit,

to be followed by many quiet hours with a big pile of pretties.

Chapter one...

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  1. just love what you did with those beads.

  2. Ooh, that was my pincushion! Sorry, got totally distracted there for a minute... This will be a fabulous and beautiful story. I love the colours you're using.

  3. Ohh, this seems to be just my type of story!! I wonder what you're getting up to this time?

    BTW, I'm itching to get the beads out as well. Soon!

  4. Your blog is very beautiful, and I don't get over here enough because I am on dial up. All the photos still have not come through, but enough for me to see how beautiful your work is and your soul.

    Lately I've been having trouble leaving comments so I hope this one goes through. My husband says he will work harder to get us dial up now that the leaves are out and he can ensure that we get a signal.

    More information than you need I know. Just let me repeat, your blog and your work are gorgeous. Thank you for your comment on my blog re: solitude. xx

  5. Glorious. I'm hooked. Can't wait for Chapter 2. :o)

  6. I don't know how I ended up here, but I am making sure to come back! Your artwork is gorgeous. Thank you for sharing your process.

  7. wowee, i'm loving Chapter One already, but does it have a title?

  8. Oh I'm so glad this is chapter one!

  9. Oh how I'm looking forward to the next chapter of this story! I already know its going to be beautiful.

  10. I'm back to visit and now I can see the punch needle work in the May 30 post as well. Because, we now have a turbo hub that gives me high speed internet.

    I'll be back more often now.
    This is a beautiful blog.

  11. cannot wait for chapter 2, but don't foget to throw sticks

  12. love the vision of tea dyed scraps as I love drinking tea and seeing what tea can do is wonderful.

  13. Yummmmmmmmmmmmm! Chapter one sucks me into the story, makes me greedy for more... Like the cake, one piece is definitely NOT enough. Sumptuous, delicious, caressable.....

    BTW, I have something fun for you... lemme know when you'll be in FH and I'll deliver the goods.

  14. I'm sooo grateful to all of you blog friends for taking a few moments to leave messages - THANK YOU! I'm a bit late getting back here but I did want you to know how much I appreciate you stopping by...

    Morna & Deanna ~ thank you, the cloth & beads (and tea) are a driving force these days

    K ~ yes! your lovely pincushion which follows me to every work spot I inhabit

    Anne Marie ~ this will be kind of a long story. I have never felt this engaged in telling a tale...

    Judy ~ your kind words make me blush. So often when I've visited your blog, I have been in awe of your stitching, your vision. Lovely to *meet* you.

    underatopazsky & Jeannie ~ Greetings! I'm so happy you have stopped by. I will pop over to your spots and say "Hello"!

    Kaite, old cloth friend ~ A title, yes indeed, but I am holding many details close until more of this story is pieced together...and maybe until completion. Sometimes revealing too much, too soon, diminishes the making for me, I've found.

    Deb & Penny ~ visits from my "cloth sisters"... YAY!

    yvette ~ Quinn will not let me forget, ha! Chapter 2 = in process :>]]

    T & Donna ~ I think both of you know well the power of working with (concentrating on) one particular ingredient in your work. I've learned so much from each of you.

    Arija ~ any time :>]]

    Robin ~ oh mentor in all things beady...looking forward to seeing you soon!!!
