
September workshop: Chad Alice Hagen returns to the Pacific Northwest!


...and we can't wait to have her back...

Resist Dyeing and the Fabulous Refillable Felted Book Cover!
September 9, 10 and 11, 2011
with Chad Alice Hagen
Lopez Island, Washington

So blog friends, what are you doing in September...want to join us?
This workshop is going to be FAB!
If you're keen to learn or play some more with Chad's method of resist dyeing on merino prefelts,
this workshop promises to not disappoint.  By popular request, this year we'll have TWO full dye days, 
nine dye baths each day...YAY!  Plus, we'll then create a journal/sketchbook cover that we can use over & over...
Here's a snippet from the workshop description:

Join us for a delightful three days of resist dye pots and a
fabulous new book project.
Thanks to student's requests for longer resist dyeing times, we
will be spending two whole days over the dye pots. We'll do
nine dye baths each day, giving everyone more time between
dye pots to think about and design each piece of felt.
On the third day, we will design a book cover from several
pieces of your beautiful resist dyed felt, solving the age-old
problem with hand bound felted books "It's so beautiful I can't
write, sketch or make any marks in it..." Our book covers will be
fitted to your own hard cover journal, sketchbook or even
favorite book so that when you have filled one book with poetic reflections, you can slip out
that book and slip in another! Book covers will be lined with upcycled fabric or leather.
Several different closures will be shown.

To read ALL the workshop details and lots of background information on the wondrous redhead herself
including more photos of her finished books,
go  HERE  to Jan's website and click on the linkie. 
My friend Jan is once again taking on the awesome task of organizing all the details.
While you're over on her site, be sure to check out her textile work...some beautiful stuff over there.

Example of resist dyed felts created by workshop participants, 2010

In the meantime, would you like some entertaining (if I do say so myself) background reading on previous workshops?
Here is my post from 2010...
and Robin Atkins (beading wizardess extraordinaire) posted about her experience, over on Beadlust.

Some of the fabulous resist felt that comes out of the dye pots!
courtesy of Chad Alice Hagen

Want more?

photo courtesy of Chad Alice Hagen

photo courtesy of Chad Alice Hagen


You may not wanna miss Chad's own blog post about 
her  time  adventure
on our little rock last year...

So if you do register for the workshop, please let me know won't you?   I love having more things to look forward to! 

UPDATE as of August 4, 2011...
this workshop has ONE spot left
Please contact Jan above if you would like to join us.

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  • September workshop: Chad Alice Hagen returns to the Pacific Northwest! ...and we can't wait to have her back... Resist Dyeing and the Fabulous Refillable Felted Book Cover!September 9, 10 and 11, 2011with Chad Alice HagenLopez Island, Washington So blog friends, what are you doing in Septembe… Read More
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  1. Oh boy - are you going to have fun! Can't wait to see the results of all those dye pots and I bet you can't either.

  2. this looks amazing, wish I had wings Christi....


  3. Penny ~ you got that right! And you know where I'll be posting about it :>D

    T ~ if I could, you know I'd give them to you...

  4. Sweetpea, I missed getting in to her workshop when she was here in Maryland. Would love to go back to Lopez Island and join your group. Thanks for visiting my site...and yes, you called it right!

  5. Oooooh, yes, fun, fun, fun...dye, dye,dye.... gotta find a way to do this again!!!!

  6. Oh how I wish I could attend!!! Her work is F-A-B-ulous (and I LOVE the PNW), and I know I'm missing out! I'll keep my eye posted here, though, to see all the awesome results!!

  7. This looks SOOO fantastic! I would love to go down to WA and participate but have a commitment for that weekend already. Really inspiring.

  8. Ooh, I wish I could be there.
    I love to dye things!!! Especially silk ribbons.
