
To one and all...


'Tree of Life'
~ Gustav Klimt ~
Central section. Pattern for the Stoclet Frieze, c. 1905

Best Wishes of the Season!

And for something beyond lovely, go visit Butterflies on Christmas Eve...

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  1. and best wishes for you too Christi, hgz...k.

  2. Wishing you merry moments and joy now, and in the coming new year.

  3. Have a wonderful Christmas and I wish you a universe full of creativity in the new year.

  4. hope it is a beautiful season for you too Christi.............

  5. Merry Merry Happy Happy New New Year


  6. I'm grateful for soooo many things about you, Christi... at this moment, for the butterfly link (OMG, her fabulous pictures, words and light!) and for this Klimt tree, which I've never seen before and like much more than the Klimts I'm familiar with. Thank you, dear heart!

