
Uncovering a thousand threads...


In 1917, some text was written about this work, The Emblem:

This fine example shows us a beautiful and graceful lady in a rich interior seated at an embroidery frame.
Her face is half turned to us as she raises the cloth covering the work.  The attitude is reserved,
as of one reluctantly disclosing a secret; and indeed she does not show too much,
for her flowing sleeve tantalizingly hides the greater part of what she has uncovered.
Pictorially the work has great charm; and though there is no story to it, it suggests an idea.
We are to suppose that she has been long at work with cunning needle in secret, making a splendid banner,
emblem of a great cause and destined to be borne at the head of its supporters.
Such an object is worthy of the labour consecrated by love that she has given to it.  
But the time for its display is not yet, and for the present the secret must be jealously guarded.

Sir Frank Bernard Dicksee, English painter and illustrator of the Pre-Raphaelite persuasion, seemed to know a little about the ways of women, don't you think?  I wonder why, or how.  He's caught this furtive moment with perfection ~ that hesitancy to reveal.  We've all felt it at one time or another...isn't it quintessentially just like this?

I've had a whole year of this feeling and was not even aware of it until now.  I am unsure what this means and I'm uncertain what to do about it or even if it needs having something done.  But some things are percolating.  My time to focus just received a rather splendid calling card.

The events in our lives happen in a sequence in time,
but in their significance to ourselves, they find their own order...
the continuous thread of revelation.
~ Eudora Welty ~

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  1. all will be revealed in the right moment, and for the time being just be you and don't question yourself. cheerio, k.

  2. Kaite, I appreciate your words! I'll be waiting for that moment :>}

  3. 'Percolating', I love that word! I seem to do a lot of that *smile*. I see you as opening your arms and your heart each day to see what possibilities there are - and they will come.

  4. just pootling along having faith in the universe seems to work fine for me
    happy new year...

  5. It's her moment of meditation (according to me..before meditation was an issue in daily life then)
    Thanks for your lovely comment.

  6. Don't you just love thr 'Pre-Raphaelites?

    That little puppy on my blog sure is. That is Rex, my great-grandsog belonging to my eldest grandson.

    Thank you for your visits, I enjoy them so much.

    Hugs and Blessings . . . Arija

  7. *sigh
    I loved settling into this post. I had to re-read it a few times to explore all its nuances.

    I understand about the reveal...I have lots of secret projects and dreams and I find myself very protective of them until the right moment. It seems I carry some themes or ideas with me for years and years...

    I look forward to spending another year's journey with you Christi. Happy New year.

  8. Penny ~ I like that thought, thank you.

    India ~ maybe I shall pootle too (what a splendid word!) as I am in need of having more of that kind of faith...

    Yvette ~ yes, I see what you mean...it is more my kind of meditation, I think.

    Arija ~ YES. and likewise, your visits here! Rex is *handsome*

    Susan ~ Good to have you stop by & Happy New YEar to you! Dreams, secrets and reveals - thank you for mentioning "protective" in relation to the "right moment." This is something I'm trying to understand, the hesitancy. Maybe it is more rooted in protecting...

  9. A calling card from revelation? How splendid! Trust needs be your companion when you knock on this door!
