
Waiting for calm...


Had a lot of words about this once, but I am feeling more quiet at this moment.  I first spoke about this story cloth in a July post when I was working on a raggedy fabric collage for a workshop that Jude Hill of Spirit Cloth was teaching...now it is September and like the season, "Waiting for calm..."  has come to fruition.  Finished for now...words in place, beading done. 

I am grateful for teachers that encourage by their own doing/making/marking.  While I stepped out of anything comfortable for me on this one...pastels, PINKS!, newly learned stitches and soft combinations...it is exactly where I needed to be.  Calm was there.  So I followed it.

Started here...

journeyed this (other continent) direction...

ended here...

Hesitation can be an enemy.  It certainly is for me (let me count the ways).  I'm thinking we shouldn't underestimate the POWER of teachers to inspire!  At the risk of sounding trite, follow those pure notes (they give) that can make your heart sing.  Those notes have stories yet to be told...

Tell them.

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  1. I love this peace. It is beautifull. I like the pale colours and the way you combined stitching and beading and made a harmonious beautiful whole.
    I think what you say about inspiring teachers is absolutely true.

  2. I listened to your story and it made me soft.

  3. It has the texture and the way of a beautiful and very old tree, a tree of wisdom. kaite

  4. Colors of a gentle place, the cloth simple in soft colors but so rich in texture with frayed bits, beads, stitching, and swirls that pull me in. The beads lending ripply textures, the stitching bringing that longing to touch when we are in a place that speaks of beauty from ancient trees, moss, an inviting landscape that welcomes and calms- an Oasis.

    Inspiring teachers create inspiring students...

  5. This is so beautiful and serene. I love the colors and they seem to radiant peace and comfort. Lovely, lovely, lovely!

  6. I absolutely love this piece! I love the colors,texture and the balance of it...just beautiful!

  7. It really is a beautiful cloth, perfectly balanced and serene. It's delightful to see the journey in words and pictures. Wonderful work.

  8. this is beautiful, a very gentle and calming story.

  9. It is everything that you wish it to be. Very lovely .. love the colors and the stitches.

  10. Such a soft and tranquil piece...

    Jacky xox

  11. What a lovely project, uniquely yours yet a tribute to your teacher's gentle guidance. Kudos!

  12. I really like where this piece takes me - beautiful, Christi.

  13. A very beautiful cloth - the word that comes to mind is 'cherish'.

  14. I am being very English I know but ...very nice.... mmmm! in fact very very nice

  15. Thank you to all, for your many kind words. Wonderful to me is the fact that you see serenity, peace, harmony in this cloth when in fact this cloth was created during a time of extreme duress and absolute UN-calm! All is much better now, made even better by your thoughtful comments here...

    Many, many thanks.

  16. So nice to see the finished cloth Christi, this is amazing, so soft and quiet, and so peaceful. This is your cloth embedded with your story, and it has a unique energy. Beautiful.


  17. truly a journey in stitch, the surface is rich with slow intention. very satisfying for me to see.

  18. I'm so happy to see this finished, Christi!!! Love what you did with the beads and love the peaceful feeling it exudes. To touch it, run your fingers over the frayed edges, beads and stitches must be pure heaven, like doing a finger labyrinth! Can't wait to see it in person!

  19. How soothing the pastel tones are with swirls like snail houses carried o your back. They embody the learning you take from place to place. I know just how you feel, when the student is ready, the teacher appears and so I had the joy of doing India's 'Enfoldments' workshop and learned so much about letting go of preconceived ideas from that wonder of a child of mine.

    No matter how experienced and educated we are,we can still learn and if we do not, it is not worth living.

  20. love your choice of such soft colors and the stitching is beautiful.

  21. I'm so sorry..you asked a while ago how I made the colors on the flannel
    everything ..nettle onionskin berries geraniums (wildones)iron etcetc (from India's book)

    I'm still in love with the piece of cloth you made...

  22. oh yum! and pink and green! I just worked in those colors and was so surprised...
    gorgeous piece, Pea.
