
The shift...


stitching takes a turn

nature makes some marks


shameless rest

maybe all paths look like this.

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  1. fabulous photos. love the beads, the stones, the cat and you know i love the shaggy shift.

  2. Deanna, that is my *fluffy* collie dawg but perhaps she is masquerading as a feline in that pose? Me too - really feeling the shaggy shift :>}

  3. hi Sweetpea, i thought the first pick was an animal's tummy, then i saw the real thing, hah ha, what a laugh. How clever of you to place those stones like that, magic.
    And where did you get the beads, they are beautiful. k.

  4. Good morning on your side of the wh'orld, Kaite ~ am just a copier of stone magic done before, altho I'm lucky to have these ones washing up nearby...*stone beads*, yes?! Those other pretties, trade beads from a friendly vendor at a bead fest...a dangerous place to spend ones time.

  5. As always, great sequence of fabulous images. What fun, your 'stitching takes a turn", makes me think of wild cats.

  6. that path is like my wanderings...big loops along stepping stones to home
    i like it!

  7. When I scrolled down, it was as if I could see the shift turning slightly...a little spooky! Very nice combinations...

  8. So good to see you back, Catherine, and apparently you are not alone in your cat thoughts! I had none of these thoughts while stitching, just playing with frayed edges and some graphics. But don't tell my tricolor canine this wasn't about her. And absolutely DO NOT tell her how much I adore cats.

    India ~ YES, paths home.

  9. What fabulous photos! Love the beads and stones. And your cloth weaving is very enticing.

  10. Eye candy and a complete ring of lucky rocks.
    They were always included on scavenger hunts at camp when I was a girl.

  11. Great collection of photo's which gave me a great collection of thoughts! Love your 'fuzzy' look fabric, the stones are wonderful, the dog darling and the beads scrumptious. Are you trying to turn the fabric green from the moss on the tree trunk? I have a friend who rusts her fabric by wrapping it around a rusty pipe - she gets marvelous results.

  12. Thanks all, for the lovely comments...and Penny, who knows what marks will happen but indeed, there is lichen under there (may stain yellow). If you peep at my sidebar blog list on the right and click on 'wrapt, tied and marked by nature,' you will see what a few of us are up to.

    Toodlepip! (as my Aussie friends say)

  13. What great photo's and I love your comments on each...your fabric weaving with its furry edges looks wonderful.
    That photo of the circle of stones is my favourite. There is something spiritual about stones I think.

    Jacky xox

  14. I love the "shameless rest!:... and, being partial to stones and circles, I love the stone circle.

  15. shameless rest...the circle of life(stones) you showu us such beauty


  16. your circle of stones is such a great companion t that shaggy shift. great photos

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  19. Christie these photogrphs are wonderful, and I love the cirle of rocks especially. Your dog looks so relaxed.

    took me three goes to get it right.



  20. That first image is a feast for my eyes .... and then scrolling down even more beautiful images. The circle of pebbles and the exquisite calm cloth .... stitched denim and a hissy owl. Enchanting!

  21. the kinship between the Shift
    and the circle of stones is very
    interesting...that same line,
    living in both

  22. Jacky ~ some days I'll return home after walking the beach, pockets so laden with stones they are bulging. We have an abundance of the ones with lines through them - irresistible.

    Valerianna ~ I've had a swell poke around over on your blog, stone sistah! Seems like we're bitten by the same bug >:>}}

    Yvette ~ thank you :>]

    Jude ~ I might have to take shaggy to the beach one day...there's always room for more *companions* don't ya think?

    Teresa ~ oh, you needn't have worried but so very sweet of you. Yes, dawg has no problems in that department - I learn a lot from her.

    Robyn ~ many, many thanks!

    Grace ~ I think Jude is nudging a few things into focus (for a bunch of us!)...inspiration can come from so many different sources if one is awake & looking.

  23. Judging by the 'waiting' post below and the 'wanderlust' here, that dog has found its 'path' and seems to be enjoying the rest after such strenuous toil.

    PS I love the little kink in the path.

  24. Really neat stone circle! Christi, cats and hedgies would really be a wonderful addition to the family!

    The optical illusion in the frayed cheetah fabic would be a good idea for stitching a container with a "secret" twistable opening.

    ^^^good technique, when you are trying to get out of a loooong conversation ;-)
    Happy Friday!

  25. Oh I wish we had an abundance of those stones with the lines through them...very rare where I live.

    Just wanted to let you know that your post inspired me to wrap a piece of cloth around a branch...I had a mishap dyeing (nothing happened!) so while damp I wrapped and tied it around a branch outside. Will leave for a while and see what happens.

    Jacky xox

  26. I do like "stitching takes a turn" :D

  27. Yes our fringes are definitely alive - your turning fringed weaving is almost an optical illusion. Thank you for your comment - I like the term "selective perception" I will keep that in mind as I go ....

  28. your circle of stones are absolutely amazing! And given that I've recently discovered I can no longer eat wheat, I am off to peruse gluten-free recipes - thank you!


  29. What a wonderful blog you have! I look forward to exploring.

  30. Gorgeous photos! Your little stone circle is amazing... as is your shaggy fabric weaving and I love the shaggy & shameless hound!
