
Ahh, summer solstice...


"On the Cliffs" by Henry Ryland

...the longest day of the year, the shortest night.  The wheel of the year turns and the traditional anticipation of summer is taking hold... 

I adore this painting.  It reminds me to keep looking forward, to be filled with anticipation and a searching soul. For reasons unknown ~ as I'm not much prone to ritual ~ I'm going to walk today (with dawg) to one of our special places, say some thank you's along the way to leafage, birdsong and the glorious sea air that surrounds us.  A quiet celebration with only two feet and four paws yet one filled with gratitude ~ deep, deep gratitude.

Happy solstice, my friends!

For a beautiful photograph of sunrise this morning at Stonehenge in Salisbury, England, look here.

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  1. O my dear, you are wrong. The 4 paws will feel gratitude too!

    Hope you enjoyed what the Universe shared with you.

  2. Sounds like a lovely way to be today... and amazing photo of Stonehenge!

  3. beautiful painting, thankyou for sharing it with us. how lovely to be able to celebrate the Summer Solstice near the sea, take an extra breath for me Christi dear...k.

  4. Your prose is as beautiful as the painting, Christi... May you and the dawg have a lovely, contemplative walk and may you know that the universe is grateful you are among its greens and birdsongs!

  5. Two feet and four paws.
    The only way to travel!
    Happy Summer!
