
June returns on the tide...


Had a brief stroll down memory lane this afternoon...came upon this sea glass that I beaded into little bundles back in 2007...my very first improvisational bead embroidery, the June page for the Bead Journal Project of that year.  It's all about water and I named it  Driftwood.  For that BJP I was exploring a sense of place, my relationship with where I live.

Size 4" x 6"

I love that I can look at it today and know  e-x-a-c-t-l-y  why I placed each bead, each object, where I did.  I cut my beading teeth, so to speak, on this piece.  Holey driftwood.  Perfect for pushing a bead needle through.

Driftwood needs some barnacles, don't you think?  And every tide should bring some pearls to shore.

See this corner - this is very special to me because it is, quite literally, where my beadwork turned a corner.  Those lime-colored bugle beads are surrounded by the first size 15 (extremely tiny) seed beads that I ever sewed onto fabric.  It's uneven, sewn all higgely-piggely but I am quite fond of it anyway.  You know how that is when you're really nervous to try something but then when you do you find that it changes the way you work...forever?

Me and size 15's...we're best buds now.

Back to this stroll I was on today...it began with an effort to look through my stash of fabric, see what I might have on hand.  That's when I realized that I primarily have a whole lot of Indonesian batiks, collected back in 2007 for the above project.  These may not suit an upcoming project coming in on this June's tide.

More about that - and turning new corners - is for another post...

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  1. i can't believe this was your very first improvisational piece. it is fabulously beautiful! i'm glad you brought this one back again for this post so i can see it (i'm very sorry to admit that i haven't gone as far back as 2007 in your posts.) i love everything about this project. the colors and beads just flow and the use of other materials like the wood just breathe so much life into it. it's splendid!

  2. Just goes to show what natural talent you have for this art form. I love this piece! Love the colors and the beach glass.

  3. Such amazingly intricate work.

  4. this is just beautiful Christi, i thought you must have been doing it quietly this last week. there's so much interest in it, i just love it and i don't say that often. in particular i like how you put the sea glass on and the driftwod, that's it! i'm definately coming up there to visit sometime!!...k.

  5. Hi! I am glad I found your blog through Beadlust!I love this piece! I am an ocean lover so it's all 100 % fabulous to me!

  6. I LOVE this stroll down memory lane... but what a tease.... OMG, what IS around the corner????????? Please, please don't make me wait too long...

  7. deep breaths...

    I have just visually breathed this piece in...it's a peaceful spirit that created this work and I feel at peace myself gazing upon it. It works in so many ways. I loved hearing your impression of it.

    I feel the same way about revisiting my bead journal pieces They are very special to me. I actually had someone email me and request to swap some of mine with a few others...I said no. I just couldn't imagine parting with myself. Those pieces are part of the puzzle that my son will use after I'm gone to figure out who I was.

    I am very much looking forward to traveling with you on your journey around the corner...

  8. What patience! And how lovely the driftwood and beads look together.

  9. Damn! Now I need to go out and look for driftwood. My place is cluttered enough as it is, what with rusty bottle caps and squished glasses. This is a beautiful piece and I feel the siren song of the ocean. I love it!

  10. Now it makes sense!! I just went back and checked your bio. You're from the Pacific NW and so am I. I'm originally from Vancouver, BC and although our ocean isn't quite that pretty, the feeling and the bits of driftwood are the same. All that's missing is a barnacle or two and a sea onion (eeeeewwww....).

  11. It's wonderful and so inspiring. I want to go bead something. Thanks for commenting on my blog. The embellisher is fun.

  12. Thank you for sharing your journey making this beautiful piece. Lovely composition, colours, shapes - I 'see the sea'

  13. I'm captivated by this piece .... and have been sitting studying it from corner to corner.

  14. Christi, It is an amazing project. I love the stone!! Your blog is an inspiation to me. You are a very talent artist.
    Miri A.

  15. you are very talented -- gorgeous piece!:)

  16. wow - I love the way the beads travel through the driftwood. I am amazed at what intricate work you have achieved in a 4X6 format. Very very beautiful piece.

  17. This is absolutely beautiful. Are you participating in the 2012 BJP?
