
Over the rainbow...


This story should perhaps start with, "Once upon a time, there was a soulbead sister named Grace..."  What is so amazing is that I've never actually met Grace, but somehow we are getting to know each other quite well through our mutual love of all things beady.  This often happens with bead people - we can't seem to help ourselves.  That's a long story in and of itself, but the important thing I want to share with you is that Grace has sent
the most incredible gift!
A collection of beaded cards - story cards really, each with their own theme - full of so much whimsy and delight, I just have to show them to you. Have you ever in your wildest, seen a flying butler?!  What is he doing out there in the garden with the chameleon and the ladybugs?

~ Chameleon eating buzzy bug ~
Czech brown striped beads, lampwork ladybugs, faceted Prenhite beads containing rutilated inclusions

Grace made all these cards all by hand.  They are hand stamped, with beads from her stash carefully stitched in place.  She kindly provided me the description of the various beads since some of them I had never even seen before.  Oh, be still my heart  :>]

~ Hoarding hedgehogs ~
Lampwork beads: turquoise discs & clear beads with cobalt dots, Tibetan bone beads

I should let you know that I have this *thing* for hedgehogs...ever since living in England awhile back where they'd come out at night and cavort on the lawn.  Took quite a strong liking to the little mites.  But I didn't know that Grace knew this!

~ Sealife ~
Stick pearls, seed pearls, African-trade Chevron beads, Japanese seed beads, vintage glass Czech beads

~ Draw your own beads! ~
Japanese seed beads, German molded glass beads (long "petal" beads & turquoise scarab beads)

I can't say I've left the best for last because all of these are so, so splendid, but I just get so darn happy whenever I look at this one:

~ Hedgies in my garden ~
Peruvian hedgies (ceramic?), green turquoise (tubes & pebbles), Howlite melon beads, amethyst beads

There's just no way to have a bad day when you've got hedgies around doing this,

and when you've got wonderful, creative people in the world who shine their light on you by gifting you something so AMAZING

But that's not quite the end of the story.  The evening of the day that Grace's gift arrived, the sky put on a beautiful light show.  I took this photo quite late in the evening across the veg garden.  After a rainy afternoon, the sunset turned the sky all pinky-gold...and this appeared,

a double rainbow.  You can just barely see the 2nd one, off to the right.  I couldn't help but think of Grace's gift as my own very special *pot of gold*...

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  1. What a special gift from a wonderful friend. I can just imagine your joy when you opened the package. Love the hedgehogs - they are precious.

  2. What a wonderful, thoughtful and imaginative gift! Such a neat idea. Yes, beading buddies are the best, but not because of the gifts, because of the opportunity to share your love of the craft.
    Love your hedgies.

    Happy holiday!

  3. Christi! I am so flattered that you blogged my beadie cards! :-D I am glad I was able to surprise you and share my stash with you. Beadie friends are the best. I love the picture of your garden, and the double rainbow is very interesting! Hope you are able to make something interesting with the beads, and thank you for your very kind words and praises, I am indeed blushing with happiness :-)

    P.S. Please do a blog feature on your garden, it looks so interesting!

  4. oh Christi this blog post has really made my day as it must be the very best post i've ever seen...thankyou sooo much for sharing, both beadie cards and your garden. i just love the little upside down hedgies, we have similar critters called echidnas. And your veg garden is so organised, i'm in awe. I'm going to look for grace's blog now, i'm sure it must be special too...cheers, kaite

  5. Hello Kaite, I love echidnas, they almost look like giant hedgies, and they have such huge spines. If you have echidnas, you must also have those super adorable wombats. Alas, I have no blog, but I do enjoy reading other beadie blogs. Sorry for the name change (new account settings!). Can't wait to see close-ups of Christi's famous vegs! I've heard so much about your magical garden.

  6. Oh I love the hedgehog beads! Never seen anything like them. They made me smile too :-)

  7. Hey what amazing beads - I love the hedgehogs. Sadly we do not have them in our garden as it is walled...maybe I should erect some step ladders!!

  8. I thought that the pot of gold was your garden!!

    How nice that Grace was there at the end of the rainbow and how clever of her!!

    Happy Fourth, my friend. xo Susan

  9. how special !
    i have never seen anything like those cards ever before...i would think she could sell those in a store near her.....

    happy sunday :)

  10. What a delightful gift and such a crowning touch at the end of the day!

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. These cards are full of humor and delightful. Wonderful gift :)

  13. Thanks for your comment on my blog, Sweepea. I am originally from Seattle. Did you spend time in Ireland? I love beads also, but self taught and so in awe of your creations-lovely!

  14. The cards and very creative and fun, but what grabs me and spins me in circles is your rainbow picture. OMG! Please, oh please, may I have a print of this one? I'll print it if you'll let me use the file. Smitten beyond words...

    Missing you... Lots going on with me... ((((Hugs)))) Robin A.
