
So much


There is so much to share, so much I want to tell you
about my recent travels in Scotland ...
about another wonder-filled masterclass at Big Cat Textiles,
tutored by India Flint to a roomful of generous hearted, spirit seeking women ...
about wanders into the wild Scottish landscape
botanizing all along the way ...


I'm not one to summarize quickly.
I need time
to let everything percolate,
time to allow the experience to sink into my bones.

~ Sunset light at low tide, River Tay, Newburgh, Fife ~

So for now I will leave you with a splendid poem from Maya Stein today,
one that captures quite beautifully
some of my feelings spending time along this river again.
Please enjoy.
And I'll be back before too long.

: : :

with summer still in their eyes

The sun was setting earlier than yesterday, and the cows
were uneventful.  The road would bring no more traffic
that evening.  Fifteen miles away, a town rested its tired arms.
The travelers were tired, too.  They cobbled dinner together
from the findings in a country store - iceberg lettuce, baked potatoes,
a wedge of local cheese - then slunk outdoors to catch the final light.
They each felt a scratch at their backs, a new season tapping its nails
against their thin shirts.  They knew this moment couldn't last.
And yet, with summer still in their eyes, they waited until the final rays
disappeared behind the mountains, until the stars arrived, like answers.

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  1. Thank you for sharing that beautiful poem....I'm feeling the scratch at my back too. I look forward to hearing about your adventures.

    1. I loved that reference to "the scratch," such a perfect phrase.
      And thank you, Dana, I'm looking forward to sharing them ;>)

  2. Hi Christi
    Your blog is always such a serene place to visit. A fitting poem. Could I possibly be looking forward to the change in seasons? I can't and wouldn't admit that! A farewell to my beloved Summer is eminent.
    xx, Carol

    1. Oddly, I'm looking forward too. Has been so [uncommonly] hot & dry here since mid-May I'm yearning for wet moss. And dewy mornings. And apple pressing season. And ...........
      Gads, did I REALLY say those things? Perhaps I've become a true Northwesterner at last.

  3. After watching the video clip of India Flint I can well imagine how much you have to digest ... and I look forward to seeing and learning more of your journey, all in good time

  4. your photograph is sublime Christi

  5. I knew you'd be back with beautifully thoughtful words and the most magical photos.

  6. thank you christi , looking foreward to your next blog , yes scotland , river tay , india and hat in the cat are able to change our life , i am a very grounded person , but here is it possibel for me to be in another world for some time

    1. Yes Bodil, that is it exactly - being in another world for a little while!

  7. Pressed our first apples and pears today(!) right here on Lopez.
    Just sayin'.

  8. Wow, stunning photo. Looking forward to seeing/hearing more of your travels.

  9. take your time, Christi! can't wait, though, I'll admit. Photography is as Mo says sublime and the poem perfectly captured the feelings my husband and I had traipsing out of doors last night to watch the lunar eclipse, a new chill in the air.
