
My tools


Work friends.  Ordinary objects and vials of pretties.
A collage from my week ...
simple things I can't live without.


Photo mumbo-jumbo:
shot with DSLR
cropping & adjustments in Snapseed
antique effects added with Vintage Scene
final adjust & copyright added with PicMonkey

Joining in with the gang over at Kim's place for Friday Finds ...
lots of great stuff to be seen over there, go peek.

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  1. Replies
    1. Was a bunch o'fun to put together ... thanx CB!

  2. Love the above shot I love Snapseed, thanks for visiting today x

    1. Viv, gonna come visit around your place more often, so much nice stuff
      going on over there including your *words.*
      And ain't Snapseed grand? It's my "go-to" app for all initial edits.

  3. I bet you make great stuff!! Great photo

    1. Sweet of you to say, Kelly
      and thanx so much for visiting!

  4. Work tools, simple things we can't live without... Love this way of looking at them, making them seem more cherished because of the implied age and history, just as they are, but not as they look in the original photo. You make me want to learn the apps and maybe even switch to Apple.

    1. Howdy Robin! oooooh, if you switch to Apple I'd be more than happy to share thoughts
      on some programs I think you'd have fun playing with - for instance, your recent sojourn in CA and all
      those terrific shots of rocks you did ... an app or two comes to mind that you would love. Keep me posted
      on that thought!

  5. I love this picture...and that little stitching ruler with the slider...somewhere I have one but it has been hiding for so long...you remind me to go on another search, where I will discover all sorts of other things...maybe someday it will pop into view!

    1. Greetings from the drippy northwest, Suzanna ~ that slider had been in my grandma's sewing box for years & I
      can remember using it when she first was teaching me how to hem my pants [short girl problem]. Now I keep it
      in my little basket atop my work table ... very handy for measuring the distance between beaded elements, etc.
      Hope you find your, too ;>]]

    2. Yep, a hemming ruler. I've had one in my sewing basket since High School Home Ec in 1958. Still there, and still cherished. Works like a charm for all hemming projects. Such a simple design and lasting tool deserves to be in the picture!

  6. A fabulous image! I love the vintage look you've given this image - the light texture and monochrome tones are lovely!

    1. pooh my goodness, Evelyn, I take that as such a great compliment coming from you for I feel
      your work with textures & overlays is masterful. Thank you so much.

    2. dang spell check ... should read, "ooh" my goodness!

  7. the tools and the phototools
    not overdone ( my problem with snapseed)

    1. Yes, I agree about that, Yvette ... Snapseed can be VERY heavy-handed.
      I'm always backing off their effects, less-is-more being best in that program, I think.
      Still, it's one of my faves ;>]
      Hope you're doing well, so happy to "see" you here!

  8. Replies
    1. Thank you, Penny ~ had great fun arranging the shot and then, shooting it in the bathroom! That's right ... balanced
      that rusty tray across our two sinks because the vanity lights were the brightest lights in the house.
      Was blowing like Holy Hades outside so no chance of shooting with natural light. Since I knew I was going
      to "bleach" the image for a vintage look it didn't matter that the lights made the photo go orange, tee hee.

  9. what a great bunch of tools Christi, those cutters are brilliant!

    1. Most of the bead stores around these parts carry them ... think they're Japanese
      and not very expensive. Wicked sharp.

    2. I bought a pair of those little cutters 6 months ago, they are the best tool!, can't believe I used to cut thread & ends with a big pair of dressmaker's shears !
