
this moment :: glints on glass


{  this moment  }
A single photo
~ no words ~
capturing a moment from the week.

A simple, special, extraordinary moment.
A moment I want to pause, savor and remember.
~ SouleMama


inspired by the Friday reflections at Amanda's

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  1. Replies
    1. Tis a WIP. Then the sun came out which we've sorely lacked for days
      upon days, so I took the beady one out to the porch - just loved what
      happened in that direct light ...

      thanx so much for visiting!

  2. And a beautiful moment it is - thank you for sharing.

    1. Thanks for bringing your eyes here, Penny ;>]]

  3. a job well done.
    a pause to whisper gratitude
    a whisper thrown out into our universe

  4. A wonderful choice if descriptive words 'beaded bliss'!
