
India Flint ::: workshop on Lopez Island, WA, September 2013


It is with such great pleasure that I make this announcement !
So long in the planning, over a year of excited anticipation (and much itching to spill the beans),
I can at last welcome India Flint ... 
coming to Lopez Island on September 14, 15, and 16
to teach

Wayfarer's Windfall Cloth

Author of Eco Colour [2008] and Second Skin [2011], this delightful self-proclaimed wanderer will generously share her extensive knowledge of "eco-printing," a simple and
beautiful natural dye process that employs no harmful chemicals and is the focus of her life's work.
After creating numerous dye samplers, we will piece them together with gentle stitching 
to form an exquisite constructed textile that records the imagery of local flora
and is expressive of the hand of the maker.

~ photo courtesy of India Flint ~

Due to an overwhelming amount of interest locally which has surpassed even
my wildest imaginings,
this workshop is already 

I am beyond amazed
and now unable to open up registration to everyone (the initial intention of this post).
I am sorry to disappoint anyone who might have wanted to attend.
Still, I believe in silver linings ...

~ workshop location in a private garden setting ~

so here's what will happen next: 
I'd like to maintain a "Waiting List" for this workshop so that anyone interested can add their name
in case of cancellations.
September is a long way off ... life changes for folks, plans often don't work out as we hoped ...
and I am expecting a cancellation, or two or three, because that's just what seems to happen.

Want to know more?  Would you like to read the full workshop description?
I'm happy to send a copy of the flyer with all the pertinent details.
Just write to me ... click  email  over there in the sidebar
and I'll send the pdf to you, pronto.

~ photo courtesy of India Flint ~

~ photo courtesy of India Flint ~

Links to inspire:

India Flint’s website
prophet of bloom blog
Read a review of 'Eco Colour' ... and a review of 'Second Skin'


swing 'round and read about all the goings-on ... !
Passage of time :: India Flint on Lopez Island: part one   
is  HERE
... from there you can click to part two.

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  1. ooo christi - how wonderful.... but yet again I find my green eyed monster flaring.... and I keep telling myself *one day* .....sigh (I hope you'll share lots of pics!)

  2. quelle chance de pouvoir participer...

  3. wow, this is super and WHAT a place to work/learn/play in!

  4. Thanks for all the sweet comments, friends...still pinching ourselves on this end
    and feeling lots of gratitude, too.

  5. Yes, thank you, tis SPLENDID, Christine (I know you know this feeling)...
    am taking deep breaths (many, Nancy!)
    ...and Deb, I appreciate that (much work involved ;>]

    The west winds are blowing, 'a blowing and I'm so pleased to have added a few names
    to the Wait List. Silver linings ~ yup, they are out there.

  6. You're going to be blown away! India came to our little corner of the world for a whole week and boy did we learn so much.

    1. I am so looking forward to being blown away!
      A week?!? oh Penny, what a slice ...

  7. Enticing, exciting... I know you've worked hard to make this happen... what a lovely gift of your energies!
