
Small reminders...


Sometimes that's all we need,
a little reminder to make us pause
take another look
reconsider a season.

Quite some time ago, I hung this bookmark from the wall lamp above where I read & stitch, tied in that particular spot so I would not forget its important message.  It has never even seen the inside of a book.  When the window is open it flutters nonstop in the breezes but now that it's winter and the windows stay latched, it's catching shadows from the late light instead.  I snapped it fast, didn't see the 'Rule of Thirds' or even the shadow it cast of itself.  Just the lacework wallpaper and how calm it all looked illuminated by that light.

And then I did what I have done a hundred times before.

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  1. Hi Christi

    What a perfect post for this season.

    Happy Holidays

  2. Quite beautiful. I love the lace shadows.... peaceful.
    Yes, and I am breathing!

  3. the lace shadows are lovely, you could paint them right onto the wall. k.

  4. I am just visiting for the first time. You have such a beautiful blog and I love all the stitching you have shown throughout. I will be back!

  5. Once again you have me thinking, or maybe I should say meditating on your words. Thank you.

  6. So, so nice to still have many friends stopping by...it has gone very q.u.i.e.t out here in blogland, hasn't it. I'm enjoying the slowed down season (in this hemisphere anyway, right Kaite?)

    Thank you, all, for the lovely comments. And yes, Suzanna, that is exactly what it has become. I guess a prayer flag can take on many forms :>]

    Best of the season to everyone!

  7. Awesome photograph and lovely happenstance with the winter/bookmark!

  8. Looks like you captured one of those magical moments.... and a good reminder.
