
Introducing 'Dear Flora' ...


To all of you who visit here
and who may also be on Facebook,
I have recently launched an artist page :

I hope you'll visit me there!
Come have a look-see, maybe take part in the conversations
or just say "Hey"...

What's in a name?
Dear Flora  is my open love letter to the world of plants & my relationship with her ...
and it isn't a name only for Facebook
but one I'll be putting with the things I make as well.

Its flight time.  I need to share this evolution that's so astoundingly
taken my heart by storm.

I think I've been kin to that wrapped up, tied tight, bundle above ....

and yet what I really need to do is let loose some.  Sway with those breezes
that do such fine things with silks when they're out in the open air.

Silk -  strong and soft at the same time.


See you soon.

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  1. Congratulations on your one year in blogging. When I do visit, I'm always glad I did... Thank you for your inspiration!

    1. hee hee, got your message over on f'book Nancy, no worries, yes - Dear Flora is younger, the ole blog not so much at six now ;>) Thanks for sweet thoughts!

  2. I have liked your Facebook page. Love the results of your dyeing in this post.

    1. Hello from across the big puddle, Debbie ... and many thanks for the visit & kind words. Will jump across to your space soon, see what you've been weaving & making ....

  3. Hi Christi
    I'll follow your new page. I always love to see what you are doing, and what you do WITH it. Though natural dying is not my thing I love seeing the results you get, and your photography is so soothing. You make wonderful visual art.
    xx, Carol

    1. We've been at this internet thing together for many moons now, eh Carol? Going similar ways, than branching off towards other directions & still stopping by each other's spots from time to time ... good stuff. Good history. I so appreciate that - and you. I'll see you around!

  4. Wow double doses of you!! I'll be there *smile* and here and anywhere you roam. Your postings always fill me with thoughts -- and images - and beauty.

    1. Likewise, Penny, been an age now .... let's keep going!
      Thanks, as always. May all your *little beings* roam far & wide under your careful hands. What a beautiful menagerie you are creating....

  5. Being a Flora i am always curious when i see my name in print ;)
    I do so love your painted fabrics and overdyed quilts, just lovely!

    1. Greetings then, to another Flora!
      Many thanks & so good to see you here again.

  6. You DO make wonderful visual art! The photos above leave me shaking my head in amazement. So love the lichens & tightly tied bundle. And, you betcha, I'll surely connect up with Dear Flora!

    1. So kind of you CB. All photos shot with my iPhone & edited with apps ;>))
      See you over there - how fun!
