
Here they come


Finally had myself a leisurely stroll through the garden.
Amazing what one can see when it is not

My old friends are reappearing ...
it's so good to see them!
so I made the rounds, said a few hellos, took their portraits.

Both the white & red flowering currants are already near to bursting,

important for the hummers who have little else to feed on when they arrive
[which should be any day now].
I did spy the first pair of tree swallows this afternoon, a sure sign
that spring is winging in ...

Call me a plant nerd, but I have an enormous soft spot for clematis and 
how they appear to regenerate new limbs from
absolutely dead-looking wooden stems ... it's a wonder
and I marvel at the process every year.

And I also marvel at this beauty, the evergreen Clematis 'Snowdrift'
for she's  scented
and this year she's almost covered the arbor ... standing under there
is going to be something quite close to heaven itself.

open !

A BIG welcome back to my reliable dye friends, too ... rose leaves,

maple leaves

and my dear old scrubby friend, the native willow
who generously gave me such deep, rich color last fall.
More on that story will follow
because although my friends here have been laying dormant all winter,
I have not.
I've been finishing a few things and that feels mighty good ...

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  1. fabulous pictures.....i love them all. to learn of "Snowdrift" Clematis is worth the visit. ethereal...a feeling of spirit.

    thank you so much for sharing.

    1. Sandra, you can find 'Snowdrift' in most good nurseries every [early] spring ... you will adore the scent, it's so unlike any other. Although come to think of it, I may have found my S'drift at Lowe's. Anyhoo, it's not rare so easy to source usually.

  2. Hi, Christi - I love the subtle nature of these photos, really quiet and lovely.
    I am relishing the sudden entry into a warmer, more spring-like world.
    best wishes, sus

    1. Thanx for that, sus, glad you made it *outside* ok and hope you're settling into your new spot just fine - Flossy, too. Weather's been a glory the last couple days, eh?!

  3. our autumn has yet to arrive (its still hot and very steamy over here!)

    ps - I'm loving the quiet colours in these pics

    1. Steamy, my goodness, hard to imagine, ronnie [other than shower water turned on real hot!]
      ps - thank you ;>]

  4. I love this time of the year and you photos have captured it perfectly.

    1. Thank you so much, Maggi. When I lived in California my favorite time of year was the fall
      but now that I live much further north it is spring that I adore the most. Nothing ever seemed
      to go dormant down south - up here, I so look forward to the "wake up" time!

  5. you are so good at catching the light of the moment

    1. oh Mo, thanx again for always leaving such a nice message,
      I really appreciate it.

  6. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand there it goes.
    did you hear it?

    the noise of your weather passing our weather.
    by a country mile.

    I will try not to envy. I will. I will.

    finishing things?
    now THERE's some happy news!

    1. {{{{ big grin }}}}
      thanx, Jen, for being in my corner.

  7. Ahhh spring -- I think its more welcome this year than many in the past.

    1. crikey, Penny that may be a tad bit of an understatement .... harumphffff ...
      grumblegrumblegrumble ....

  8. Beautiful, all very beautiful. I saw my first hummingbird a week or so ago. I'm hoping he's finding enough food.

    1. Hope so, too, Deb. The ribes STILL have not fully opened out here.
      cold. rain. some wind. add mud. Can't say that makes me feel like blooming!

  9. oh! oh! these pictures. not just the shapes and the light but the sum of it all. They are so rich, even though color is not what they're about. putting your blog on my sidebar so that I can easily check for more!

    1. What a very nice thing to say & do, dee.
      Thank you for that.
