
Dear John ...


John M. Sangster
1937 - 2013

Thank you for all your kindness.
I will miss you.

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  1. Christi, my thoughts are with you, Patsy, and all the friends on your beautiful island during this sad time. I will always remember the fire John was tending and the warm welcome he gave the evening we enjoyed dinner together with India and our group at the beautiful home he shared with Patsy. Best wishes, warm hugs, from sus

    1. Me too, sus ... I will always remember the way John kept the fire going that evening, so concerned for everyone's comfort, and all the small, quiet things to create such a cozy, productive evening for our stitching. He was a gem.

  2. condolences - and you have given a beautiful tribute here.

  3. Lovely, evocative pictures. My heart goes out to your heart.

  4. thank you Christi for letting me be there.
    your words say what i feel too. if i had to choose just one word to describe John [and choosing just one word is hard] it would be


    there were a few more that i thought of a little while ago
    and i put them here

    i'm so grateful to have been included in Lopez island life and to have met and been welcomed by such grand people there
    my thoughts are with you all

    1. I love your words, India, and John in his blue truck. Today is Wednesday - recycling day - and no doubt he'd be loading it for the usual run into the village ...

      Someone at the memorial Circle spoke out to say that perhaps John should be nominated Lopez's 'Poet Laureate.' There was much agreement for this idea. Friends from his writing group read aloud their own verses about him and also, some of their favorite poems written by John. It was an afternoon filled with the most beautiful word song.

  5. A beautiful tribute. Sending you a hug...

  6. Thank you
    for your messages.

  7. I have reached that point in my life where many of those whom I have loved the most and who have loved me most are mostly gone. It makes me love those who are left all the more and seek new friends, and realize we are the vessels not just of the past, but of love itself and that that is all that matters. Your friend lives on in you...

    1. Thank you so much for these potent words, Panayoti ... can't tell you how much I needed to read them this morning. Seems you are wise in many more ways than just plants.

  8. this is the finest obit i've ever seen. thank you, i feel like he might be someone from just down the road a piece. ()a fur piece as they say here.
