
Marking two hundred ...


Can hardly believe it.  This is my 200th blog post.
Will you join me in a giveaway to celebrate?
Not too fancy ... just a couple of small tokens
to let you know how much I appreciate your visits here.

I probably wouldn't have kept at it this so long if it hadn't been for
all of you stopping by to read and take the time to leave kind comments & such.
Your good suggestions, commiseration, pieces of advice, gentle observations, helpful tips
 ... oh, and the humor! the camaraderie!  the friendships from afar ... well, it's been grand.
Every bit of it
and I've loved it all.

So let's keep going on together for a while longer
since it appears [rolling eyes upward] I have not yet run out of things to say ...

nor have I run out of pictures to share ... 

[Autumn has arrived and the leafage has embarked on 
its miraculous dance tour again!]

Anyhoo, let's get down to it, shall we?

Here's how it shall go:  I've decided we should have 
giveaway items
(it is the  two  hundredth post after all) ...
One person will receive a small stash of cloth  scraps  in the color combo of
their choice, ripped & torn from my collection of lovelies in the cupboard,
mainly from old clothing and assorted textile items;
A second person will receive a small stash of  beads  in the color combo of
their choice, chosen especially for them from my [embarrassingly] good-sized
hoard  HOARD  collection of beads.

Simply leave a comment below with one word,
"scraps"  OR   "beads"
(no, no, you cannot have both, stop twitching)
and come this Saturday night, one name will be chosen out of each hat.
The recipients will be announced Sunday, sometime after morning coffee ~
that means sometime before noon.

Are you in?  All are welcome, 
even those who have never left a comment before.
If you are not signed in to Blogger, feel free to use the email link in the sidebar.

Deadline to enter:  Saturday, October 26th, 10pm, Pacific Time USA
I'll ship anywhere in the world
because we're all in this together.
And for that, I give you my deepest thanks.

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  1. What a nice giveaway! I´d choose beads :)

  2. Ah, the scraps of cloth sound interesting! Thank you for the chance to be involved. Love the Autumn colours, my favourite time of year.

  3. Aren't the colors gorgeous right now? I'm so glad you are here to visit with. I'd love to be in the drawing for cloth.

  4. Scraps for me -- and I hope neither your words nor your pictures EVER go away.

  5. I adore your photos, as well as all the fiber work you do. SCRAPS for me, please. Thanks so much for the giveaway. It's been wonderful being on this journey along with you! xo

  6. Congratulations!!
    I'd love some scraps please !!

  7. Congratulations on your milestone! Thank you so much for all you share. I've been a faithful reader for over 2 years now; not only do i enjoy your blog, but your links to the wider world, too. Such a fantastic means of travel and education, this internet thing! If I should be so lucky, I would like *beads*, please! In the words of a poet, "Live long and prosper." With best wishes, MaryJo Fisher

  8. oops Christi looks like a spammer got through in the post above...
    Congratulations on your 200th post, may there be many more!
    Love all your photography, you have a b....y brilliant eye & sensibility
    hmmm re scraps or beads... scraps, beads... eenie meenie mine-ie mo....
    I''lll let you decide if I win this is too hard!

    1. Oh Mo, you have to decide NOW ;>]] only one name per hat, dearie ... that is unless you'd just like ME to decide which hat gets your name ...

  9. first of all your photos are fantastic , your pictures from india Flint workshop were fantastic , i am a danish feltmaker now nore ecco dying and indigo dying mostly doing things you can do with your hand, a lover of indias F. universe and her workshop , i prefer beads !!! bodil

  10. Love your pictures......I choose ...........Beads!!
    Hugs! deb

  11. Congratulations on your 200th post! I am a new follower and I choose BEADS! Great giveaway, Mary Ann

  12. Whee! What fun. Thank you for this opportunity. BEADS for me please! ~ Jennifer

  13. Yeay for 200! Toss my name in for beads. Thank you :-) beadcontagion@gmail.com

  14. Congratulations, Christi! 200 is grand! I'd go for scraps...

  15. Congratulations on your 200th post. So difficult to decide but I'll go for "Beads" please. Happy Blogging.

  16. Scraps please if I am lucky enough to win. I just had my 200th post but didn't notice until I'd done 201. Love the images in your post.

  17. Congratulations on your 200th post! If you don't mind, please add my name to the scrap pile. (sorry....couldn't resist) Enjoy!

  18. Many, many congrats on so many posts -its addictive isnt it lol
    I adore your photos, they have such warmth to them, you have an eye for a great picture!
    Scraps for me please if I'm lucky and any colour is just fine!

  19. I love the photos in this post. The colors are wonderful.And I choose beads.

  20. Wonderful colors and a great idea for celebrating. I'd love to win either.

  21. I love other people's scraps, always so much more exciting than my own. Beautiful photos as usual and congratulations on your 200th post, you run a lovely blog.

  22. i would choose scraps too.
    i missed india flint.. so close too.
    congrats on 200

  23. how did i miss this? not here for the giveaways, i have your friendship and that means much. just wanted to say that as ever, the pix are delish and make me dream of Lopez....

  24. Scraps Or Beads, but if I need to chose between them myself, I'd probably say beads.

  25. Oh and I forgot to say congrats! I'll need to think of something for my 200th. It's a while away I think, but now that I'm not working, I'm able to post more often.

  26. Congratulations on your milestone! Just wanted to say I enjoy your posts.

    1. Many thanks, Lorraine, happy for your visits ;>]
