
What I learned about running with dogs ~ Part 2


Welcome back!

{{{ In case you missed it, Part 1 can be found OVER HERE. }}}

Does this look like what you might imagine a judge's table would look like?

And this gentleman...would he fit your idea of THE JUDGE?
I think I've watched way too many Westminster Dog Shows because these folks
were not in the least intimidating.  They joked and laughed amongst themselves and made all sorts
of amiable comments about the dogs & their runs.
I didn't intend to eavesdrop...I was just on the 
other side of that fence...ahem.

While Michelle led Sam in this run, the judge's table was buzzing...they practically swooned
over his old timer adorableness.
Sam tends to make some pretty amusing noises as he's galloping around
which added to their delight and prompted all sorts of compliments on his attributes.
I just loved that they would do that.

This was a Jumpers course although there's a variety to choose from:  Hoopers, Chances, Weavers,
Tunnelers, and Touch N Go.  Participants can pick and choose, competing in as many or as few
as they want...it's completely up to you.  Another lesson learned (and what a relief!) ~ no one
is telling you what to do...
you design your day with your dog however you want & sign up for whatever suits your fancy.
That FUN factor again.

Before I saw this wall I had no idea how participants would keep track of which runs were coming up, 
in which order.
There it is ~ the entire lineup, painter's-taped to the wall,
including the illustrious poop bag dispensary below, should one have the need.

'Command Central' was in a barn...

and the gals at Mega-Dogs had the prime office space, if you ask me.
Their fingers were kept flyin' while the dogs were out flyin'...

...like this German Shepherd, who was showing No Fear.
What a beautiful sight.

But here's the little number that our group was keeping their eyes on the most...

Meet Bailey, pint-sized owner of her very own human named Ginger.
This was their first time at an agility trial as well, except they were actually brave enough to compete
(unlike some not-to-be-named happy, picture-snapping chickens).

Yay, Paws on the Rock 'Team Bailey'!

Just look at those little legs GO...
is that not the most adorable thing this side of the universe?

Turned out, these two had an  outstanding  run.

I'm sure it's not only because Ginger memorized these numbers really well,
but because these two put in lots of dedicated work, stick-to-it-tiveness and practice, practice, practice.

Did I mention practice, practice, practice?

And it paid off bigtime...HOORAAAY!

First Place!!

Look at that face...I'd say Ginger was pretty darn thrilled, wouldn't you?!

Bailey seemed every bit as pleased herself with those qualifying ribbons.
Such a terrific outcome for a splendid working pair...way tah go, you two.

Ok, so I wasn't exactly cross-eyed by late afternoon but my mind was certainly in a whirrrrr...
what an amazing day this was turning out to be...

Before my mad dash back to the ferry, I was able to watch Michelle do her stuff
with Sam one more time...awwww, I'd say he put on his happy paws!

I heard later that Sam earned a couple more "Q"s of his own the following day
and Benjamin ran great as well.
Benjamin had surgery on one of his rear legs not long ago.  Through patient rehab
and lots of careful re-training, he's back in the game...much to his huge delight, I might add.

Sometimes fortune favors the early arrivals to the ferry line.  I was granted my favorite
front row seat on my floating transport westbound...
a most perfect way to sit back and chill, and let all that I'd learned about running with dogs
filter through the memory banks.

And then I arrived home to this...
"Where ya been...watchya been doin'...why couldn't I go???"

Don't worry sweetness, you will definitely be going next time.
No doubt about it.

As long as our mojos are feelin' good, we are gonna





: : :

UPDATE, June 5th:  Michelle McDarmont, leader of our local agility group and owner of
Paws On The Rock Dog Training, has created a brand new blog on Blogger.  Her first post
is entitled 'A Simply Terrific Agility Weekend.'  Guess what she's talkin' about?
Please visit...there are links to some videos you won't want to miss...
can you possibly resist watching Sam, Benny (Benjamin) and Bailey rock their runs?!?!
CLICK HERE  to read her post.

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  1. What a fun post! I almost felt like I was right there. Thanks for sharing!

    1. Wish you could have been ***right there*** Penny!
      Thank you ;>]]

  2. dang! I wish they had jumping courses round here.
    Flyball? Yep.
    Agility? You bet.
    But Jumpers? Never seen it. (Miss Stella LOVES to jump!)

    Isla is gonna rock the free world y'know.
    And so will you! xo

    1. My goodness, do I thank you for that BIG vote of confidence, miz Jen!
      I would certainly luv to see that adorable Stella doing her stuff over a bunch of jumps...wouldn't that make for some totally fine Kodak ~ I mean digital ~ moments!!

  3. This story has made me so happy. I feel a spark of hope for humanity, to think that there are people out there doing great stuff like this. And yes... it is THE MOST adorable thing... aaw squish!

    1. What a great way to describe it, LD, because that is exactly how I felt about it too (without consciously realizing it)...a "spark of hope for humanity" indeed!! And a renewed faith in the power of canine companionship, not to mention hangin' with like-minded peeps. So glad to make ya happy ;>]]

  4. Fantastic once again!! Love the photos and the commentary is so fitting and creative! Good idea to stand near the judge's table to hear all the little comments! It's cute that they enjoyed watching Sam, in all his senior-ness!
    It will be sooooo fun to watch you and Isla run! I'll take photos, but sorry they won't be as awesome as yours. You will just have to be satisfied with the so-so snapshot! And a video, and another snapshot and lots of hoots and cheers from the sidelines!

    1. You can be sure, A, that behind the judge's table is a picture spot I will be returning to again and again [wink wink].
      Thanks for all the kind words...thank you, really. As far as your own picture taking goes, there is n.o.t.h.i.n.g. "so-so" about YOUR eye for a good snap. Blast away!!!!

  5. Fantastic once again!! Love the photos and the commentary is so fitting and creative! Good idea to stand near the judge's table to hear all the little comments! It's cute that they enjoyed watching Sam, in all his senior-ness!
    It will be sooooo fun to watch you and Isla run! I'll take photos, but sorry they won't be as awesome as yours. You will just have to be satisfied with the so-so snapshot! And a video, and another snapshot and lots of hoots and cheers from the sidelines!

  6. This is definitely a dog's world with wonderful images.. and so much enthusiasm too.

    1. Donna, that enthusiasm is sooooo infectious that I'll take a dog's world any day!
      Lovely to have you stop by for a visit here....hope everything is going great in your neck of the woods, too.

  7. So sweet.. that little, white wonder! I'm surprised how much I've loved these posts, I'm not much of a dog show person, but the love that is flowing here is palpable!!

    1. wow, now that is saying somethin' Valerianna, I so appreciate your comment. How wonderful is that?!?!?!?!

  8. I love the way you tell a story, Christ. This is another beautiful post. I'm so glad that you and miss Isla are going to Go For It!!!

    1. It's a heck of a lot easier to weave a tail...I mean, TALE...when the subject matter is so utterly heartwarming.
      Thanks so much, M. We couldn't *Go For It* without your fine tutelage, that's for shure!!

  9. So much fun to be there with you.... Now, in mho, THIS is the way to have a dog!!!!

    1. My sentiments ~ exactly ~ dear Robin! Because ANY dog can go out there with their human and do this...sooooo much FUN!!

  10. what a great post...what sweet memories...and I'll follow link later


    1. Oh yes, Yvette, the memories....so very important as we have our furry ones with us such a short time, really.
      Thank you for your visit ~ ❤
