
Texture Tuesday...white


At certain times of the day (usually in winter), the greenhouse positively glows.  It sits there
in its woodland domain, looking all ethereal, as if it's lit from within.
Just the magic of low light, nothing else.
A kind of mirage...

I admit, I was a little stumped when I first read the challenge for this week's photo...
I don't shoot a lot of white (except for the obvious - snow) and I haven't worked a lot with "high key"
so I almost passed on the whole deal... 
I popped over to the Cafe to see what everyone else was up to.


So I cruised around, viewing all kinds of amazing work and landed over at Jen's website
where she - get this - removed the color from her original photo.
duh.  hello.
Call me copycat.  I know a good thing when I see it.

: : :

Today's photo received two layers of Kim's 'Poetic' texture.
Here are a couple more faves from the group pool...this one is unbelievably endearing,
this one is positively sublime, 
and because I am the sap that I am, there was this...

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  1. Okay. First. Two things:

    1. YOU HAVE A GREENHOUSE?!? Be still my beating heart. A GREENHOUSE?!!! oy. Pea Green Miss SP. Pea. Green.

    2. I love love love what you did w/your photo. Truly! yum!

    ... and cuz I'm a giver...

    3. I concur w/your other picks. :)

    1. Many thanks, Jen...it's all your fault, you know ;>}} g'house not a big one, just the right size for getting the veg starts going and offering some shelter from the assailing winds. It's taking on a decided *tilt* in its later years ~ not unlike others on this property!

  2. oh i can feel the air in this one.

    1. ...then mission accomplished...thank you, jude...

  3. What marvelous effects you are getting! I love 'white' but I hardly ever work with it. You've got me thinking about a white on white punchneedle stitchery -- hmmm wonder how it would look?! Thanks for the inspiration.

    1. So **many** shades of white, Penny, I think you MUST do something in punchneedle ~ oh, I bet it would be glorious!!

  4. I do SO enjoy Texture Tuesday photos, yours and the others I visited (thanks for the links)... all awesome... makes me want (crave?) to join in the fun and play with textures myself. Thank you!

    1. There's a little birdie rumor that you've got more time on your hands these days, miz Robin ;>} Do join in, would be soooo much fun!

  5. Being a texture artist and person... your Texture Tuesday image is wonderful and then I went around to your other links to other texture images... wow.. it is so interesting to see all the different ways to get unique results from the same challenge.

    1. That's just how I feel about it, Donna...I'm so inspired by seeing what others come up with when we are all working within the same-ish perameters. I certainly look forward to Tuesdays of late.

  6. I was entranced when I found this White Texture Photo - I love the feeling it gives of silence, peacefulness, serenity.

    1. Thank you so much for the kind words, Christine ~ much appreciated.
