
One thousand feathers...


...what if...?

This is a question that Jude Hill from Spirit Cloth never stops asking.
And this time, that question led her to create this...

...the Magic Feather Project is a collaborative effort
open to anyone willing to stitch one simple feather.
All the feathers will then gather at Jude's place, a flock of at least one thousand,
where they will be joined together into larger cloths...
for charitable uses...
for the greater good of children.

Feathers are already flying 'round the world!
The gathering is well underway and can be seen over here...
...all the info about how to participate, including a short video tutorial, is here.

There is no end to the possibilities of feather inspiration...

Double-crested cormorant
(c) Amy Marques

...the beauty of our winged companions is all around us.

Bengal eagle owl
(c) hawkgenes

photographer unknown, from my Tumblr collection

We need only to open our eyes.

unknown photographer, from my Tumblr collection

Many hands are needed and all are welcome to join...

Related Posts:

  • One thousand feathers... ...what if...? This is a question that Jude Hill from Spirit Cloth never stops asking.And this time, that question led her to create this... ...the Magic Feather Project is a collaborative effortopen to anyone willing to s… Read More


  1. wonderful words and pictures.

  2. What a wonderful collection of feathers.

  3. Read your comment over at Kate's, and loved it....so had to stop by. Love your blog......will certainly be back......got to go find the right fabric to see where my directional flow takes me.......I have been dreaming up a woven wall hanging, and somehow this seems to fit right in the middle........

  4. Lovely post to start my morning! I feel ready to take flight!

  5. To K, India and Deb...I think Jude may have to call in air traffic control, what with all the feathered responses she is getting, HA!

  6. you really give me great inspiration


  7. Aaahhhhhh, wonderful project and fantastic images. What a great combination.


  8. Thanks for posting about this. I'm off to check it out. I haven't been such a good blog reader this summer so I'm a bit behind...
