
Reaching a little milestone


Blogfriends, let's celebrate a little, shall we?!
How about a toast in light of this small, yet momentous occasion?
{{{{{{{ drumroll }}}}}}}
this wee blog is turning


When I began, I had no idea how many blogs were out there.  I am so glad that I found all of you and that you found me.  Many of you visit regularly ~ that's just so darn wonderful!   You continue to listen to me yabber on about this & that, then you leave some heartfelt thoughts, share what's happening in your neck of the woods, make me laugh, enlighten me when I start to drift.  And greatest of all...you encourage me incessantly with your kind words, whether you know it or not.  For this I am sincerely grateful.  

Today there are seventy nine followers over there in the sidebar ~ oh my goodness ~ from points all around the globe. We are really not so far away from each other after all.

Better sign off now before I get too soppy.

But let's keep going!  See you soon, and thank you.

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  1. HAPPY BLOGDAY Christi! And here's wishing you many more to come!

    No really... it's been a pleasure!


  2. congrats, christi, on your milestone! i love reading your blog and am proud to be one of your followers. here's to another year!

  3. Hi Cristi
    I, for one, am so glad that you began blogging. I enjoy visiting when you post.

    Congratulations on you one year anniversary. See you back here next year when you announce TWO!!

  4. Happy Anniversary Cristi!! So glad I found you also -- here's to another beautiful year ahead!

  5. Happy first blogday from England - I'm a fairy new follower of your blog but am looking forward to sharing future adventures you have :0)

  6. Sorry that should have been FAIRLY not FAIRY (oops lol)

  7. Congratulations on your one year blogaversary! I will still likely be lurking to wish you a happy two year some day.

  8. Congratulations!I enjoy your blog and it is in the list of favorite blogs on mine!

  9. hooray from rural Australia...but still waiting for the Chad book workshop pics...k.

  10. Many happy returns from California!

  11. oeps, that was yesterday. Congrats anyway and looking forward to more inspirational posts for the next year.

  12. Congratulations of the beginning of a new year!

  13. Another 'happy blogday and congratulations' from the wet and windy UK. Always a pleasure to stop by :-)
    Here's to another successful, friend-filled and inspirational year.

  14. Happy Birthday to you and thank you for enriching!

  15. i like soppy. I like you. i like your blog. happy one year.

  16. Congratulations Christi! :-)
    I'm so happy I found your blog. You're always up to something interesting. It's been a treat reading and seeing your stitchery, beadies, photography, cloth making, tree wrapping, and the goings-on in your life. You're so talented! Here's to many more years of blogging adventures!!! :-)

  17. He hee... 80 followers now (I thought I was already a follower).

    Happy 1st birthday...so many wonderful blogs out there in cyberspace...so many lovely people.

    Jacky xox

  18. Happy blogbirthday!

    Amazing world, this blog-land...!!

  19. Congratulations Christy
    Another northwesterner and I wanted to make it 80 followers.. love your stitching..

  20. hey congratulations my friend.

    you are a good friend here, and its a beautiful place to visit.


  21. Now you have 82. I thought that I had signed up a while ago, but instead I've been following you through Kaite! Congrats on the anniversary. I guess that I'll need to do something special when mine comes up early next year.

  22. A very happy birthday to you!
    I love your work, it's so full of colors and textures...keeps my interest and wanting to see more.
    Hope to see you in BJP 2011.

    And THANK YOU for stopping by and dropping a few lines at my Blog...
    much appreciated!

  23. Hi again Christi, congratiulations! (I'm only a humble starter, but already addicted ;-)
    I love your woven cloth very much. Here and there I see woven cloths popping up, and they all are becoming beautiful!!

  24. A year of blogging and now you have so many connections - congratulations! The stitching you're exploring on the purple woven piece is lovely!

  25. Dear friends,
    What a fine, fine anniversary celebration this was ~ THANK YOU so much everyone for being part of it and for all the lovely comments and good wishes - it means the world to me! (My, there sure is some world coverage here :>] And to the new faces in followers, "Welcome!" If I haven't already, I will be 'round to your spots to say Hi, too.

    You know what? I think if it wasn't for all your voices there would really be no point to blog writing. I didn't realize that the day I sat down and wrote my first post. But it's connections...connecting....and at the risk of sounding trite, sharing a common thread, that makes this whole enterprise completely and utterly worth it.

  26. Well as a Virgo, I'm not usually late for the party. In fact, I'm usually camped out on the doorstep but I am late for this one. Sooo, Christi, Happy Belated confetti strewn blog a versary and let me be one of the first to congratulate you on going into your 2nd yr! With stitch, cloth, bead and words, you have taken us on a wonderful connective trail and may the paths continue. Thank you.

  27. hey...lots of anniversaries in blogland! have a happy next year! i do love the stripes and stripey thoughts in the previous post

  28. Muchas felicidades, espero que estés muchísimo tiempo y podamos seguir disfrutando de tí.
    Besos, Anabel.

  29. You richly deserve every one of these wonderful, loving comments, Christi!!! May you continue posting for many more years to come. Bravo!!! Robin

  30. PS. I love, LOVE, LOVE your beautiful sweetpea header and the phrase, Have a little wander!!!

  31. Congratulations, Christi! It's been a whole year?! Amazing.

  32. This had to be a very exciting workshop - lucky you!
