
Dog writing ...


Over our years together, I've learned she has many ways of saying things.
This is one way ...

and this is another.

And then there is  her  incomparable way. 

I just found out that Mary Oliver has a new book coming out,
set for release October 8th.

Beloved by her readers, special to the poet's own heart, dog poems offer 
a special window into Mary Oliver's universe. Now the Pulitzer Prize-winning poet
presents a collection of new and favorite poems,
celebrating the dogs that have enriched her world.

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  1. I had never heard of this poet, but I'm interested to see her book. I'm a dog lover who loves dog lovers ~lol~

    1. That gave me a chuckle this morning, Carol, and I'm definitely with ya on that one.
      I hope you will find a few moments to give M.O. a peruse ... she is the finest of the fine. She speaks about nature in the most astounding way, including many bird observations. I think you would love her work.

  2. Our pets take a great place in our home and in our heart too. It is a good idea to write poems about them.
    Have a good and happy spring :-)

  3. In addition to looking forward to Mary Oliver's new book, I also think it's a good idea for all of us to write poems about animals, for they represent the innocence that most of us mostly loose after early childhood. Some of us write poems with our cameras. If the second picture isn't a poem, I don't know what is.

    1. ooooh, I hadn't thought of it like that, Robin ~ THANK YOU.
      And I agree ... about honoring them, and about the innocence.
