page one ~ from, The Illustrated Glossary of Dye Plants
page two ~ from, The Illustrated Glossary of Dye Plants
page three ~ from, The Illustrated Glossary of Dye Plants
In retrospect, I probably should have named this playful compendium
The Imaginary Illustrated Glossary of Dye Plants
The Illustrated Imaginarium of Dye Plants
for I don't believe this will ever be anything but a little book
that lives solely in my mind, produced for a bit of fun on Instagram.
But I suppose it's been good practice should I decide at some juncture
to try my hand at the real thing ...
Along another line of thought, the title of this post is not original to me.
I'm sure I gleaned it from jude at Spirit Cloth at some point and
I sincerely hope she is given fair credit & attribution from others
for all she offers there.
This is a sore subject with me at the moment ...
the *borrowing* - no, let me speak plain - the stealing
that I read and see running rampant on the internet amongst
artists, creatives, workshop organizers
and a whole host of wannabes, coat tail riders and ladder climbers.
It's a double-edged sword out here on the web; the need & desire to share work
counterbalanced by all those who are watching, researching,
and will so blatantly
rip others off
Is it really so hard to come up with one's own original words or works?
Is it that difficult to ask permission first?
Or to put some dedicated energy
into coming up with personal work that is truly authentic
and not just a blatant copy of someone else's work?
I've seen this rampant in the world of photography for years
and now sadly, I see it running rampant amongst the cloth dyers
[eco-dyers, eco-printers, contact printers, natural dyers, and many stitchers],
a tribe I am somewhat new to and a little on edge about of late ...
it's incredibly disheartening.
And I'm feeling the need to take care.
I have no intention of getting into arguments with folks over this subject
and I'm half inclined to close the comments section because of it,
but there are some friends who visit here who I don't want to silence
so I'll leave it open.
Talk to me.